
BUDDYMANTRA  is the team of bloggers and vloggers who loves to write content and create words by playing with mind and heart.


To promote young blog writers. We give opportunity to young writers to WRITE their VOICE.

People Behind Buddymantra

AMITI Amit kumar, Founder of this Buddymantra from Ranchi. I Consider Blogging as a way to explore new things, new innovations.When I started writing, I primarily meant to pen down the thoughts I had on a regular basis. What started off as a hobby turned into a passion. Writing helped open a window to the world. This window helped communicate in an altogether different way. I have been working with information & internet technology since the early  2014 but I am also a freelance writer, communicator, and presenter. I write, I make photos, I blog, I tweet. The early years of my career are very tech-oriented, but I’ve moved out of IT-work and am now enjoying  SOCIAL WORK.

Feel Free to Contact Me:

Mobile no. +917283003021(whats App)

Email i.d: buddymantra@yahoo.com

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